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Characteristics K-3


The following signs may be associated with dyslexia if they are unexpected for the individual’s age, educational level, or cognitive abilities.

  • History of talking later than most children;
  • History of difficulty with rhyming;
  • History of difficulty learning nursery rhymes;
  • History of difficulty pronouncing words (i.e. busgetti for spaghetti, mawn lower for lawn mower);
  • History of poor auditory memory for nursery rhymes and chants;
  • History of difficulty learning new vocabulary;
  • History of being unable to recall the right word;
  • History of difficult with learning numbers, days of the week, colors, shapes, and how to spell and write his or her name;
  • Fails to understand that words come apart; for example, that snowman can be pulled apart into snow and man; and that the word man can be broken down still further and sounded out as /m/ /a/ /n/;Difficulty learning the letter names and their corresponding sounds;
  • Difficulty decoding single words (reading single words in isolation) – lacks a strategy;
  • Difficulty spelling phonetically;
  • Reads dysfluently (choppy and labored);
  • Relies on context to recognize a word;
  • Good at understanding new concepts;
  • Exhibits curiosity, Has great imagination;
  • Has the ability to figure things out.

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