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Business Services


  Hollie Fregia, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent 
Finance and Operations
(409) 883-2232 Ext.



Laurie Gordon
Director of State and Federal Compliance 
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2730


Annie Mullins
Payroll/Benefits Coordinator
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2210


Cassidy Benton
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2065


Claire Trawhon Harvey
Human Resources Coordinator
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2300

Holli Bertrand
District PEIMS Coordinator
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2380

Jenny Hughes
Accounts Payable Clerk/Secretary
 (409) 883-2232 Ext.2420 
Jordan Kemp
Business Administrative Assistant
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2700

Elane Phillips
(409) 883-2232 Ext. 2460



In addition to educating children, Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD provides services that help support all who work and learn in the district.  Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD is a...

  • Major business enterprise with a $33+ million annual budget which processes about 4,300 purchase orders to 1,200 vendors and writes and distributes 3,800 checks and ACH payments to vendors annually.
  • Large employer that processes about 8,000 payroll and benefit payments annually for almost 540 full-time employees with full benefits and 200 substitute employees.
  • Library system with over 68,000 titles.
  • High-tech company that supports and maintains 1,700 computers and more than 40 software packages in addition to a high speed fiber and wireless wide area network providing data, voice, and video services with over 2,600 ports. 
  • Minor emergency health clinic that dispenses over 6,500 doses of prescribed medicine and responds to approximately 50,000 complaints or accidents annually.
  • Restaurant chain that serves approximately 526,000 meals annually.
  • Transportation system that logs almost 600,000 miles annually on 30 bus routes and hundreds of extracurricular trips.
  • Mechanic shop that maintains 45 buses, 33 cars/trucks/vans, and 22 lawnmowers/tractors.
  • Multi-skilled maintenance service that installs and maintains almost 2,000 tons of air conditioning, 178 restrooms with 1,700 restroom fixtures and devices, and 629,000 square feet of roofs and general building maintenance.
  • Business supply vendor that annually buys and distributes over 8 million sheets of white paper, 6,000 rolls of toilet paper, 5,000 rolls of paper towels, 300 gallons of hand soap, and 140,000 trash bags.
  • Lawn service that maintains 152 acres of land that includes six campuses with eight athletic fields.
  • Custodial service that cleans approximately 629,000 square feet of building space daily.


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